January School Board Meeting postponed
The January 11, 2022, School Board meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 25, 2022.
DESSA opt-out
Parents, See the attached letter regarding the ZCSD Social & Emotional Learning Program. https://zacharyschools.org/Documents/DESSSA_letter_to_parents.pdf
January 3, 2022 letter to parents.
Please see the following letter regarding COVID. Updt_January3_2022.pdf (zacharyschools.org)
ZHS Principal opening
Zachary High School PrincipalApply online today @ https://zachary.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=574
State Championship Covid Protocol Announcement
This Saturday, the Zachary High School Broncos will travel to the Superdome to take on Ponchatoula High School in the…
We are looking for a high school art teacher
Apply here: Zachary Community School District - TalentEd Hire (tedk12.com)