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Documents and Forms


The Zachary Community District’s Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development department is committed to preparing our students for college and career opportunities.  We are responsible for the development and maintenance of curriculum, research, and implementation of new programming, in conjunction with providing professional growth opportunities and educator support to our staff to ensure high-quality instruction for every child.

Professional Development

The Zachary Community School District (ZCSD) utilizes research-based best practices to plan for effective professional development (PD) opportunities in our district to impact student learning.  A variety of PD models are used to accomplish this goal.  Job-embedded professional development is designed to ensure that professional growth is ongoing, interactive, and linked to student achievement.  We utilize mentors, demonstrations of practice, feedback on performance, online collaboration, professional communities, and expert consultants noted in their fields of study. Throughout the implementation and follow-up components of professional development, teachers analyze the impact on student learning and adjust instruction.

Documents and Forms


Tamara Johnson, Chief Academic Officer
Brittini Matthews, Instructional Specialist (English)
Shannon Mitchem, Instructional Specialist (Mathematics)
Nicole Harvey, Instructional Specialist (Science)
Kristy Gilpin, Curriculum Specialist

Shashikala Wiltz, EL Coach
Patricia Prado, EL Interpreter

Instructional Dashboard

The Zachary Community School District provides excellent opportunities for students in elementary, middle, and high school to explore a wide variety of special programs in our schools.  We are committed to providing multiple learning opportunities for students to pursue individual areas of interest, rigorous coursework, and a focused curriculum to prepare our students for College and Career.

The School Leadership Department goal is to support campus administrators and their efforts to ensure all Zachary Community School District students reach their full potential through high-quality instruction and programming.

Documents and Forms


Jessica Brister, Supervisor of Early Childhood (Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd grade)
Jennifer Marangos, Supervisor- Elementary Programs (3rd – 6th grade)
Jeff Hand, Supervisor of Secondary Programs (7th – 12th grade)

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