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Welcome Back!

Dear Zachary Families, 

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! 

We are excited and looking forward to welcoming our Zachary students to school tomorrow, Tuesday, August 9, 2022, for the upcoming school year. The beginning of a school year is a time to be energized, with multiple opportunities full of possibilities and potential, which we can appreciate now more than ever. 

Our district theme for this school year is “One Community. One Team. One Vision.” It truly takes all of us working together to ensure our students’ success. Your support is immeasurable, and we know it will strengthen as we move forward in engaging parents, families, and the community in guaranteeing our children are successful. As a team, we want you to have the information needed to help your child/children achieve at their highest level, feel their best, and remain safe and secure every day. Our collective strength as a community will ensure our students’ academic growth, well-being, and safety. 

The important information and ZCSD contacts listed below may be able to help you throughout the school year. We look forward to collaborating with you to provide the best educational experiences for our students and families. 

Scott Devillier, Superintendent 

Zachary Community School District Scott Devillier, Superintendent 225-658-4969
Parent ResourcesZCSD Parent Resources Webpage
Parent’s Bill of Rights
Safety  Safe Schools Louisiana (CrimeStoppers) The Safe Schools Louisiana Mobile App is an extra measure in place that we can all use (students included) to keep our schools and community safe.
TransportationFor information on bus routes, contact First Student Transportation at 225-654-9729. Tim Jordan, ZCSD Supervisor
Other ZCSD Contacts Diane Stone, Supervisor, Early Childhood Programs (Pre-K)
Jennifer Marangos, Supervisor, Elementary Programs (K-6th Grade)
Jeffery Hand, Supervisor,Secondary Programs (7th – 12th Grade)
Aeneid Mason, Director,Student Support Services
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