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ZCSD Safety Protocols for Sports Events

We are excited about the first official home game for ZHS Bronco Football on Friday night and want to ensure that it is an enjoyable and safe experience for all who attend. To create the safest environment possible, the ZCSD will be implementing additional safety protocols in support of the stadium guidelines and safety measures that are already in place. We will be increasing law enforcement and employee presence, instating a clear bag-only policy, and will be using metal detection at entry points and any place deemed necessary.  

If you plan on attending games in the Bronco Corral, please be prepared to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Only clear bags are allowed. Clear bags are subject to search upon entry. No backpacks or large bags are allowed. Diaper bags or bags holding medically necessary items are allowed but will be searched.
  • No one is allowed in the stadium without being scanned.
  • There will be NO RE-ENTRY once you have left the stadium.
  • Elementary and middle school students MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian, or they will not be admitted into the stadium. 
    • Elementary and middle school students must sit with their parent(s)/guardian(s).
    • Parents/guardians are responsible for their student’s behavior and are responsible for their supervision during the game. Failure to supervise children may result in the family being asked to leave the stadium.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance in keeping our ZCSD events safe for our community. 

Increased Safety Protocols:…/ZCSDSafetyProtocols.jpg

Zachary High School Stadium Guidelines:…/ZHSStadiumGuidelines202…

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