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24/25 & 25/26 School Calendars

February 5, 2025

Dear ZCSD Parents/Guardians and Staff,

Due to the weather-related closures this school year, revisions were made to the 2024-2025 school calendar to compensate for the lost required instructional minutes.…/2024_2025_ZCSD_updated.pdf

Please note:

February 14, 2025– revised to an in-person school day for all staff and students (was originally scheduled as a Professional Development Day with no students)

March 5, 2025– revised to a remote learning day for students (Specific grade-level appropriate learning packets will be sent home for this day.)

May 23, 2025– No students, no paraprofessionals, no cafeteria staff

The ZCSD School Board approved the 2025-2026 School Calendar during the February 4th board meeting.…/Ope…/2025_2026_ZCSD.pdf

Thank you for your patience and understanding,
Zachary Community School District

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