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Welcome to the Zachary Community School District!

The Zachary Community School District’s number one priority is to provide a safe and welcoming learning and working environment for students and staff.  One of the most important responsibilities of an employer is ensuring employees are adequately trained. The required annual trainings below will help you to be more successful in your roles and help promote compliance with applicable laws, policies, and procedures. These trainings are designed to ensure that every employee has the knowledge and information to establish and maintain a positive, safe, and healthy school environment.

2024-2025 Annual Training Cover Sheet
(Coming soon)


Louisiana Ethics Administration Program

All Zachary Community School District employees are bound by the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics. More information about the Code of Governmental Ethics can be found at the Louisiana Ethics Administration Program website. All Zachary Community School District employees are required to take one hour of training per calendar year on the Code of Governmental Ethics.

  • Ethics Training Instructions
  • Click to access Louisiana Ethics Administration Program Training
  • Print a copy of your 2024 Ethics certificate and attach it to the checklist to return to your supervisor/principal.

Cybersecurity Awareness

Any employee who accesses any computer or electronic accounts must complete this training.

Mandated Reporter Training

Click to access the Louisiana Child Welfare Training Academy.

  • New employees will need to create an account. (If you have set up an account before this school year, you may continue using that account.)
  • If you do not know your login, click the “forgot password” link.
  • Print a copy of your certificate and attach it to the checklist to return to your supervisor/principal.

Click here to view ZCSD Policy Manual

  • JGCE: Child Abuse

Mandated Reporters Information

Vector Solutions Trainings

Click here to access Vector Solutions Training Site.

  • Login using your employee I.D. number – there is no password

You are not required to print these certificates. Check “completed” on the cover sheet once you have completed all training in the system. 

Suicide Prevention
  • Youth Suicide: Awareness, Prevention, and Postvention:  Jason Flatt Training
  • Bullying: Recognition and Response Training
  • Responding to Bullying Training
  • Cyberbullying Training

ZCSD Bullying Presentation (In-Person School Level)

Click here to view ZCSD Policy Manual

  • JCDAF: Bullying and Hazing

Bullying Reporting Form

Sexual Harassment
  • Sexual Harassment: Policy and Prevention Training (Administrators)
  • Sexual Harassment: Student Issues & Response Training
  • Sexual Harassment: Staff-to-Staff Training

Click here to view ZCSD Policy Manual

  • JAAA: Title IX Sexual Harassment
  • GAEAA: Title VII Employee Sexual Harassment
  • JCED: Sexually Related Student Misconduct
  • First Aid Training

ZCSD Health and Wellness Site

ZCSD Faculty Health Guide

Click here to view ZCSD Policy Manual

  • GAMFA: Employee Communicable Diseases
  • GAMFB: Guidelines for Handling Body Fluids in School
  • JGCC: Student Communicable Disease
Drug-Free Workplace
  • Drug-Free Workplace Training

Click here to view ZCSD Policy Manual

  • GAME: Employee Alcohol, Drug, and Substance Abuse
Dating Violence
Only for employees who have contact with students in 7th – 12th grade
  • Dating Violence: Identification and Prevention Training


Foundation of Literacy - The Science of Reading

During the 2021 Legislative Session, Louisiana Lawmakers passed Act 108, which requires K-3rd grade teachers of reading, math, science and/or social studies and principals and assistant principals of schools that include the K-3 grade levels. This training, which consists of the science of reading, must be completed by the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Zachary Community School District provides training through A+PEL, our Foundations of Literacy training provider.

  If you have not completed a Science of Reading training, please contact your principal.

Athletic Training Requirements

Coaches, Athletic Trainers, and Other Identified Personnel (including volunteers) will be provided training information from Coach David Brewerton, Director of Athletics.


TalentEd Records: (2024)

Log into TalentEd here.

  • In the top right corner, click to enter “Records”
  • View your list of tasks that “Needs Attention”
  • Click the view buttons to the right of each task to review, complete and acknowledge, as applicable.

You are not required to print these forms. Check “completed” on the cover sheet once you have reviewed, completed, and acknowledged, as applicable, in the system.


Second Injury Questionnaire

  • Click to download and complete a copy of the Louisiana’s Worker’s Compensation Second Injury Questionnaire.
  • This document may be placed in a sealed envelope.
  • Note: If you have completed this form as a part of your 2024 onboarding packet, please indicate it on your cover sheet.


District Contact:

Yolanda Williams, Director of Human Resources
Kalyn Gauthier, Human Resources Coordinator

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