2024-2025 Supply Lists/Fees
The online payment of school fees and the online completion of important forms option will be open closer to the start of school. Please visit the ZCSD Parent Resource Dashboard for more information. https://zacharyschools.org/parents-students/
Pre- Kindergarten (Zachary Early Learning Center):
$50 registration fee covers all supplies. Please provide a regular size backpack and a beach towel for naps.
Kindergarten (Northwestern Elementary School):
The list can be found here.
*Both ZELC (PreK) and NES (K) have a staggered start:
Thursday, August 8th – 1st day of school for A-K students
Friday, August 9th – 1st day of school L-Z
Monday, August 12th – ALL attend
1st & 2nd grade (Rollins Place Elementary School):
Supply fee $65.
3rd & 4th grade (Zachary Elementary School):
$65 supply fee: Includes all supplies, student ID, and a lanyard.
5th grade (Copper Mill Elementary School):
The list can be found here.
6th grade (Copper Mill Elementary School):
The list can be found here.
7th & 8th grade (Northwestern Middle School):
The list can be found here.
9th-12th grade (Zachary High School):
9th grade supply list
*All others will be distributed by teachers on the first day of school.