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Employee and student safety is a primary concern of the Zachary Community School District. The district provides a safety program to maintain safe working conditions and equipment at all times; to comply with standards prescribed by applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Online Tip Reporting

Procedure for Reporting Employee Injuries

1. Employee is required to inform supervisor or other staff members of a work-related accident.
2. Supervisor of staff member informs employee that they can seek medical attention from the doctor of their choice or through the Wellness works program with Lane Memorial Hospital.
3. Supervisor or staff member informs the employee that a post accident drug test is required.
4. Supervisor or staff member informs the employee that if medical attention is required a release to work certificate must be presented before the employee can return to duty.
5. Employee’s returning to work with restricted duty will have accommodation approved by the Director of Personnel prior to returning to duty.
6. Supervisor or staff member is to complete the Employer Report of Injury or Illness Form.Review for completeness and fax to Business Manager of Zachary Community School System.
7. Business Manager will review report and submit to Worker’s Compensation Insurance Carrier via fax or electronically via email.
8. Business Manager is point of contact for confirming that employee injury is work related.
9. Medical bills are to be submitted to Workers’ Compensation Carrier or to the Business Manager who will forward them.
10. Supervisor or staff member should conduct accident investigation using the Accident Investigation Form and submit to Business Manager.


John Musso, Business Manager (Workmen’s Compensation)
Tim Jordan, Supervisor of Safety & Operations

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